Today I...
Ate breakfast (cheerios)
Walked to school
Walked home from school
Ate lunch (Pierogies and bacon with chives and ranch dressing)
Ate dinner (spinach salad with black beans and corn, and carrot ginger soup)
Took the dog for a walk!!
Took my vitamin
Drank lots of water all day
Drank ZERO caffeine!
(I also did off-topic stuff like read for school, etc.)
I feel so proud of myself today! The only thing I didn't do that I would like to do is yoga. I know it seems like such a simple routine, and such simple meals and everything, but this is where I need to start. On top of not being very good at following through with my goals, the fatigue of pregnancy makes staying active much more difficult. Eventually, my workout and nutrition routine will get more complicated, but for now I just need to reach the point of actually doing stuff. From there, I will become the healthiest woman in the world!!
Just a pregnancy sidenote: On Sunday I hit my 11 week mark, which means just this week and next week and the first trimester is over. I hear that from then on, my energy level will be up and I won't have to deal with the fatigue I've been battling. Also, my belly is starting to round out a bit. An onlooker would not be able to tell, but Maic and I can! How exciting!
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